
Robbie Braman Health

Robbie Braman Health Newsletter #1

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Reader!!! I've missed you!!!

Reader!!! It's finally time that I am up and running with my business! It has absolutely been too long since I've been on my own and I need to give you a little life update and what I have been up to all Summer and Fall long. I can tell you, I had three other jobs on top of trying to keep up with social media , personal life things, and the cooking classes! Whew, it was a lot and at times I dropped some things for my sanity, but I made it and now I have time again to go all in and am allowing myself to have time for my baby business and dismiss my fear of never having enough money or fear of not being good enough to coach others. Recently someone very dear to me showed me that I already make a positive impact to the people that are around me and now it's time to make that same impact around the world through my own business!

In this Newsletter I am not only going to give you the updates, but also give my recipes and and health tips from my blog!

Events Happening This Month

All month I am doing Movember! Read below for why!

11/15 @ 6 PM Cooking Class (I will announce the cooking classes next week)

11/29 @ 6 PM Cooking Class

November is MOVEMBER!

Everyone who donates will get a free cooking class hosted by me. Anyone who donates $25 or more, will get a special invite to my ultra exclusive Steak dinner cooking class where I will teach you how to make a porterhouse in a castiron skillet with a potato side and creamed spinach! The best way to support awareness is through outreach and just simply talking about it, but the outreach is near impossible without monetary support.

Time Hack

Making time is seemingly impossible when you feel/are busy and possibly overwhelmed by everything going on.

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pancakes for Brunch?!

I made these recently and absolutely fell in love with them. New hack: These freeze for breakfast all week!

If no one has told you yet today, I believe in you and think you are amazing. Thank you so much for reading !

Robbie Braman Health

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